Project outcome #1- Druze Women and Gender in Druze Society

This research was conducted with Miles Luce and resulted in a published systematic literature review:

Zeedan, R., & Luce, M. (2021). Druze Women and Gender in Druze Society: A Systematic Literature Review. Religions, 12(12), 1111.

The initial findings of this project were presented at the 2021 KU Undergraduate Symposium.

Key findings:

  • Using a meta-ethnographic methodology, this literature review covers Druze women’s experience of gendered realities in higher education, economic participation, marriage, family life, and health.
  • First, we propose that scholarship on Druze women and gender in Druze society constructs Druze women’s experience of gender as not only discursive but material.
  • We incorporate the process of women’s relationship with prohibitive mechanisms of gendered space and men’s experience of masculinist subjectification into an existing term: the spatialization of everyday life.
  • Second, we propose that the disparity of publication by country relates to the concept of “Druze particularism” while emphasizing their difference vis-à-vis Islamic religion and Arab culture.
  • Future research trajectories: contemporary socio-legal research on the legal regime that governs family life; Druze men from an explicitly feminist perspective; influential Druze women.

The outcome of this project includes the following list, which might be useful for other scholars wanting to start a research project on Druze women and gender issues in Druze society: List of sources.

Please reach out to Dr. Zeedan if you have any questions on how to use the data.