Project outcome #2- Genetic research and the history of the Druze

This research was conducted with Abbigail Vaughn and resulted in a systematic literature review (pending publication).

Zeedan, R., & Vaughn, A. (under review). Does genetic research support the claimed history of the Druze? A systematic literature review.

The initial findings of this project were presented at the 2021 KU Undergraduate Showcase. 

Key findings:

  • Suggested proposition: existing medical research on the Druze is sufficient to prove that the Druze closed their faith to new converts in the 11th century and have practiced endogamy marriages since then.
  • The findings show that in quantity and quality, the published research support the proposition.
  • Genetic research on the Druze in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the diaspora is sparse since most studies have focused on the Druze in Israel.
  • Future research trajectories: a genetic study conducted simultaneously on the Druze in MENA countries; additional research projects across disciplines.

The outcome of this project includes the following list, which might be useful for other scholars wanting to start a research project on Druze genetics and the history of the Druze: Druze genetics list.

Please reach out to Dr. Zeedan if you have any questions on how to use the data.